• Chairwoman Vargas secured long-term affordability for all 151 apartments in Chula Vista, ensuring current residents can remain in their homes for at least the next 50 years. The 55-year regulatory agreement mandates the acquisition, renovation, and preservation of affordable rents in Chula Vista. All units will remain affordable, with rents not exceeding thresholds for households earning at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.

    • Chairwoman Vargas approved a historic resolution with the City of San Diego to expand the affordable housing supply by 10,000 homes on government land by 2030.

    • Chairwoman Vargas positioned San Diego County as a leader in innovative behavioral health strategies, making it one of seven pilot counties statewide. This coordinated effort aims to maximize the impact of SB 43, with a multifaceted planning process in place to implement the law by January 1, 2025.

    • Under Chairwoman Vargas's direction, the County of San Diego submitted a public health request to the CDC and CDPH to investigate the effects of cross-border pollution on public health in the Tijuana River Valley. Her efforts brought together local and state health agencies to develop an Epi-Aid, a rapid response initiative to help public health officials address and control urgent health issues.

    • In 2022, the Chairwoman declared Homelessness a Public Health Crisis in San Diego County, allocating more resources and providing urgent relief for neighbors experiencing homelessness.

    • In partnership with California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, Chair Vargas secured $848,000 from the Ocean Protection Council to advance the Imperial Beach Community Resiliency Plan. This plan tackles the pressing issues of sea-level rise and climate change, particularly in underserved communities.

    • Chairwoman Vargas expanded San Diego County’s urban canopy by leading an initiative to plant 10,000 trees, creating a healthier environment and improving the quality of life for all San Diegans.

    • As part of the California Air Resources Board (CARB), Chairwoman Vargas approved the Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) regulation, requiring trucks in California to transition to cleaner, zero-emission vehicles. This aligns with California’s goal of having only zero-emission trucks by 2045.

    • Chairwoman Vargas secured $19.6 million in federal funding to support the thousands of asylum-seekers arriving at the southern border. She also spearheaded the establishment of a Migrant Transition Day Center, ensuring asylum-seekers can safely reach their final destinations. Under her leadership, San Diego County is setting a national standard by expediting the asylum process, reducing street releases, and treating asylum-seekers with dignity as they seek safety and a brighter future.

    • In July 2023, Vargas launched the "Leave No Veteran Homeless" program, ensuring that veterans who sacrificed for our freedoms have more than just a place to call home—they have a sanctuary of honor and dignity. To date, over 900 veterans have been housed.